Puerto Rico News Review at 9 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Puerto Rico News Review at 9 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  May 03 2024

Puerto Rico News Review at 9 a.m. EST Daily
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@mikenov: Russia, South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and European Integration:...
Russia, South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and European Integration: revolutionary shifts...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@mikenov: Russia, South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and European Integration:...
Russia, South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and European Integration: revolutionary shifts...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: More than 2,100 people arrested at anti-Israel campus...
More than 2,100 people arrested at anti-Israel campus protests across the UShttps://t.co/CSiiaTo3Nb—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@GolosAmeriki: RT by @mikenov: Президент Зурабишвили: «Пророссийское правительство»...
Президент Зурабишвили: «Пророссийское правительство» отдаляет Грузию от западных партнеров https://t.co/SWe3pM1mwb—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@POLITICOEurope: RT by @mikenov: Ukraine can strike inside Russia with British weapons,...
Ukraine can strike inside Russia with British weapons, UK's Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said.https://t.co/uaiG267a64—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@VaticanNews: RT by @mikenov: Gospel of the Day (John 14:6-14) Jesus said to Thomas,...
Gospel of the Day (John 14:6-14) Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@igorsushko: RT by @mikenov: Russia: 72 year old Yevgeniya Maiboroda sentenced to...
Russia: 72 year old Yevgeniya Maiboroda sentenced to 5.5 years in prison in Rostov for 2 reposts on the...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4m
@mikenov: For decades, Moscow has sought to silence its critics abroad
For decades, Moscow has sought to silence its critics abroad - ABC News https://t.co/v8kDCa0bLJ— Michael...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@mikenov: Another US precision-guided weapon falls prey to Russian electronic warfare,...
Another US precision-guided weapon falls prey to Russian electronic warfare, US says - Defense One https://t.co/aIfac4bK3c—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@mikenov: A New Issue Flares in the 2024 Race: Campus Protests - The New York Times...
A New Issue Flares in the 2024 Race: Campus Protests - The New York Times https://t.co/7PbmAPIkRD— Michael...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@mikenov: x.com/gerashchenko_e…
https://t.co/waSoKY0FFQ— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 3, 2024
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@mikenov: news.google.com/rss/articles/C…
https://t.co/byLp9HXPB2— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 3, 2024
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: 🧵1/2 ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan says the world court's...
🧵1/2 ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan says the world court's "independence and impartiality are undermined"...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Netanyahu will run for prime minister in the next...
Netanyahu will run for prime minister in the next election, and is certain he can win https://t.co/1RTNwLWQk4—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@VaticanNews: RT by @mikenov: Pope Francis urges Catholic universities to provide...
Pope Francis urges Catholic universities to provide education that helps form minds and hearts, without...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@generalsvr_en: RT by @mikenov: Chances of the Governor of the Tula Region, Alexey...
Chances of the Governor of the Tula Region, Alexey Dyumin Dear subscribers and guests of the channel!...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@Newsweek: RT by @mikenov: Four Russian military aircraft detected near US airspace...
Four Russian military aircraft detected near US airspace https://t.co/Co1mCVpQsB pic.twitter.com/oxIZvfMbt1—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Российские военные заняли базу США в столице Нигера...
Российские военные заняли базу США в столице Нигера Ниамее. Теперь они живут в соседнем ангаре с американскими...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Украина вправе бить по РФ британским оружием, заявил...
Украина вправе бить по РФ британским оружием, заявил глава МИД Великобритании Дэвид Кэмерон. "Украина...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
La Comunidad de Madrid celebra el Dos de Mayo
El turismo cierra el mejor primer trimestre de su historia con 16,1 m. de visitantes
El Racing de Santander tiene la ilusión de poder hacer historia
El Ministerio de Cultura elimina el Premio Nacional de Tauromaquia
El Ibex 35 mantiene pérdidas ligeras tras la apertura a la espera del empleo en EEUU
Greenfiber, el polémico proyecto de Altri para que Galicia sea referente del lyocell
Atomos y Bits | Un universo púrpura
@mikenov: news.google.com/rss/articles/C…
https://t.co/VcNDBD7Vfc— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 3, 2024
(@mikenov) / Twitter 6h
@mikenov: news.google.com/rss/articles/C…
https://t.co/ZEiNUxYH7S— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 3, 2024
(@mikenov) / Twitter 6h
@mikenov: news.google.com/rss/articles/C…
https://t.co/ISuHCIEGIL— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 3, 2024
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@elonmusk: RT by @mikenov: Wow
Wow https://t.co/WhoMQzxImD— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 3, 2024
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
Venezuela aprueba la creación de una ley para "proteger" las pensiones ante el bloqueo...
La Marcha de la Marihuana pide en Ecuador legalizar el cultivo
Francia rinde homenaje a los españoles que ayudaron a la Resistencia contra el nazismo
Familias abandonan la capital haitiana tras ola de violencia y tiroteos
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS...
https://t.co/qzfIraISNf #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
@mikenov: Putin, Dyumin, Shoigu, and Russian Presidency
Putin, Dyumin, Shoigu, and Russian Presidency - Google Search https://t.co/TZk3gSK9UJ pic.twitter.com/qiViwlcz8r—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
Gabriel Boric presenta el Plan de Acción de Hidrógeno Verde que busca reducir costos
Automation in Puerto Rico
Automation is on the rise across the nation, increasing productivity, helping to solve labor shortages,...
Puerto Rico Report 15h
Andrew's 2024 Puerto Rico Trip: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising. - GiveSendGo
Andrew's 2024 Puerto Rico Trip: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising.  GiveSendGo
"puerto rico" - Google News 15h
45 detenidos en una protesta en Londres por el traslado de migrantes a una barcaza
@shashj: RT by @mikenov: A very sobering @olliecarroll interview with Ukraine's deputy...
A very sobering @olliecarroll interview with Ukraine's deputy mil intel chief. He says Chasiv Yar will...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: TV report: Sinwar still demanding guaranteed,...
Live update: TV report: Sinwar still demanding guaranteed, unconditional end to the war; has other objections...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: ❗️ "Gazprom" has reported a record net loss for the first...
❗️ "Gazprom" has reported a record net loss for the first time since 1999 "Gazprom" at the end of 2023...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@BBCWorld: RT by @mikenov: Alarm in Israel at reports of possible ICC legal action...
Alarm in Israel at reports of possible ICC legal action over Gaza https://t.co/HtGlq55yK6— BBC News (World)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@CBSNews: RT by @mikenov: An orangutan appeared to treat a wound with medicine from...
An orangutan appeared to treat a wound with medicine from a tropical plant— the latest example of how...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has two major strategic assets:...
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has two major strategic assets: Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich / Zvi...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Blinken: Israel's flexibility on hostage deal speaks...
Blinken: Israel's flexibility on hostage deal speaks louder than its Rafah rhetoric https://t.co/psTeYCXBgj—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Israel's foreign minister said on Thursday that...
Israel's foreign minister said on Thursday that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan was breaking agreements...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@sentdefender: RT by @mikenov: The President of France Emmanuel Macron stated during...
The President of France Emmanuel Macron stated during an Interview released today by The Economist, that...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
Nuevo Gobierno serbio promete mantener amistad con Rusia al tiempo que avanza hacia...
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS...
https://t.co/RNgaeXR7N1#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@mikenov: Putin, Dyumin, Shoigu, and Russian Presidency - GS google.com/search?q=Putin…...
Putin, Dyumin, Shoigu, and Russian Presidency - GS https://t.co/QNgRlCSY2K - pic.twitter.com/KZiO9ywRAP—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
Por primera vez hallan una posible "guardería" de tiburones martillo liso en las...
Abdalá II de Jordania insta ante el papa al fin de vulneraciones israelíes en Jerusalén
@VaticanNews: RT by @mikenov: Pope Francis meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan....
Pope Francis meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan.https://t.co/641qTle3CS— Vatican News (@VaticanNews)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 20h
@SkyNews: RT by @mikenov: Russia using chemical choking agents against Ukrianian...
Russia using chemical choking agents against Ukrianian troops, US claims https://t.co/4TlqC6x4bc— Sky...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 20h
El Ibex 35 suma un 0,16 %, pero no recupera los 10.900 puntos
🔴📡 Carles Puigdemont, candidato de JxCat, en el ciclo de ruedas de prensa de la Agencia...
Robles respalda en Eslovaquia el refuerzo del flanco este de la OTAN liderado por...
Inauguran un gran depósito en París para las pruebas de natación de los Juegos Olímpicos
@mikenov: Любовный треугольник Шойгу и Иванова! Гарем Минобороны РФ. Генеральская...
Любовный треугольник Шойгу и Иванова! Гарем Минобороны РФ. Генеральская ... https://t.co/g6UhPyfeyR via...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 20h
@mikenov: Шойгу на минном поле. Иванов тянет на дно всю оленешоблу youtu.be/sT_Sy0V9z2w?si…...
Шойгу на минном поле. Иванов тянет на дно всю оленешоблу https://t.co/SkOnqHSoFT via @YouTube— Michael...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 20h
@mikenov: 🔴Что Путин сделает с Шойгу после инаугурации и нужен ли Кремлю скандал...
🔴Что Путин сделает с Шойгу после инаугурации и нужен ли Кремлю скандал с... https://t.co/Pll26FRONI via...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: 🔵 Что будет с Шойгу пост после инаугурации Путина? 🔵...
🔵 Что будет с Шойгу пост после инаугурации Путина? 🔵 Как прошел учредительный съезд партии "Рассвет"...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@mikenov: Putin, Dyumin, Shoigu, and Russian Presidency x.com/mikenov/status… #NewsAndTimes...
Putin, Dyumin, Shoigu, and Russian Presidencyhttps://t.co/NE4mq71dEw #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@mikenov: Tweets from Michael Novakhov - TNT - The News And Times - TheNewsAndTimes.com...
Tweets from Michael Novakhov - TNT - The News And Times - https://t.co/PH3LtsdUTH https://t.co/g3QbczaqX9...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@GolosAmeriki: RT by @mikenov: Правительство Швейцарии: Россия не приглашена на мирные...
Правительство Швейцарии: Россия не приглашена на мирные переговоры по Украине https://t.co/QVQWGh6a8F—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@anders_aslund: RT by @mikenov: "US says Russia used choking agents against Ukrainian...
"US says Russia used choking agents against Ukrainian troops, breaching chemical weapons ban" Ukraine...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
MLB icon Bernie Williams back in Puerto Rico for lung health campaign | Loop Caribbean...
MLB icon Bernie Williams back in Puerto Rico for lung health campaign | Loop Caribbean News  Loop News...
"puerto rico" - Google News 22h
Organizadores de la orgía en el Viña Rock defienden "abrir el melón del sexo"
Does Dyumin plan to conquer Ukraine (again) in 3 days by using the SPETSNAZ - Russian...
 Tweets from Michael Novakhov - TNT - The News And Times - TheNewsAndTimes.com@mikenov: Does Dyumin plan...
The News And Times 22h
@BBCWorld: RT by @mikenov: 'Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack...
'Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp https://t.co/QSD30bP72Y—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
Una "granja de bebés" ficticia
@mikenov: Does Dyumin plan to conquer Ukraine (again) in 3 days by using the SPETSNAZ...
Does Dyumin plan to conquer Ukraine (again) in 3 days by using the SPETSNAZ - Russian Special Operations...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: В Германии команда сыграла в футбол голышом. В товарищеском...
В Германии команда сыграла в футбол голышом. В товарищеском матче встретились немецкие клубы "Голая команда"...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: В больнице Петербурга скончался мужчина, устроивший...
В больнице Петербурга скончался мужчина, устроивший накануне самосожжение у военкомата. 24-летний Руслан...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
@mikenov: After arrest of Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Putin fears Shoigu - YouTube...
After arrest of Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Putin fears Shoigu - YouTube https://t.co/TfrDFfCF8E...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@mikenov: Putin's Potential Successors Part 2: Aleksey Dyumin | Recorded Future recordedfuture.com/p
Putin's Potential Successors Part 2: Aleksey Dyumin | Recorded Future https://t.co/2flptkzQyS - Putin's...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@mikenov: Putin, Shoigu, Dyumin - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin… recor
Putin, Shoigu, Dyumin - Google Search https://t.co/8cU7MRbj1b https://t.co/2flptkzQyS— Michael Novakhov...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@mikenov: After arrest of Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Putin fears Shoigu
After arrest of Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Putin fears Shoigu - Google Search https://t.co/c6HxxDaFlo...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@POLITICOEurope: RT by @mikenov: Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron are to hold a secret...
Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron are to hold a secret dinner in Paris ahead of Xi Jinping's visit.https://t.co/QHPJH0L5hr—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@mikenov: After arrest of Gen. Timur Ivanov, Putin fears Shoigu... x.com/mikenov/status…...
After arrest of Gen. Timur Ivanov, Putin fears Shoigu...https://t.co/DwLFZWwyev #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@mikenov: After arrest of Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Putin fears Shoigu's fa......
After arrest of Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Putin fears Shoigu's fa... https://t.co/X7ygh1UwEH via...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@KarissonGerry: RT by @mikenov: Пока Шойгу за кулисами борется с ФСБ за выживание,...
Пока Шойгу за кулисами борется с ФСБ за выживание, ему необходимо поддерживать свой имидж. Когда Тимура...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@shashj: RT by @mikenov: "We don't know for certain if [ICC] arrest warrants are...
"We don't know for certain if [ICC] arrest warrants are imminent," says one Israeli official. "What is...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h

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