
Showing posts from July 1, 2019

The FBI is investigating possible corruption in the way Puerto Rico handled government contracts - Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – In 50 Brief Posts

The FBI is investigating possible corruption in the way Puerto Rico handled government contracts  -  Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – In 50 Brief Posts Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ The FBI is investigating possible corruption in the way Puerto Rico handled government contracts Israel GPS disruptions and electronic warfare - Google Search Opinion | How Mueller Can ‘Fix His Mistakes’ Jared Kushner's Bahrain Conference Is the Sideshow | Trump and Trumpism – Review Of News And Opinions Wednesday June 26th, 2019 at 10:12 AM 10:35 AM 6/26/2019 - Kremlin says Putin-Trump meeting set for June 28 in Japan's Osaka Selected Posts: Saved and Shared Stories, and Tweets 5:53 AM 6/27/2019 - Merkel shakes again in public "and then moments later she walks away and looks completely fine, it was very strange." 10:37 AM 6/27/2019 - Iran conflict is the New Abwehr recreation and replay of the Arian-Iranian "world" vs Non-Arian, Juden U.S. and Israel - ...