Puerto Rico News Review at 9 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Puerto Rico News Review at 9 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Jan 25 2024

Puerto Rico News Review at 9 a.m. EST Daily
Current Puerto Rico News:
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Racially diverse Puerto Rico debates bill that aims to ban hair discrimination -...
Racially diverse Puerto Rico debates bill that aims to ban hair discrimination  wnky.com
"puerto rico" - Google News 58m
La Audiencia Nacional propone juzgar a Rubiales por el beso no consentido a Jenni...
Madrid, 25 ene (EFE).- El juez de la Audiencia Nacional Francisco de Jorge ha propuesto juzgar al expresidente...
@mikenov: "We're all fair game now, easy targets for inclusion on some FBI watch...
"We're all fair game now, easy targets for inclusion on some FBI watch list or another." #News #Times...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@SpiesVespers: RT by @mikenov: OTD Jan 25, 1957 #Soviet_spies Jack and Myra Soble...
OTD Jan 25, 1957 #Soviet_spies Jack and Myra Soble arrested by #FBI. Ran MOCASE spy ring pic.twitter.com/j0JsBZdOdz—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@mikenov: https://t.co/2np2IwRtEI John Whitehead: You're probably already on a government...
https://t.co/2np2IwRtEI John Whitehead: You're probably already on a government extremism list #News...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@TheAtlantic: RT by @mikenov: "Donald Trump took a party that, by the time he first...
"Donald Trump took a party that, by the time he first ran for president, was increasingly inward looking,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@generalsvr_en: RT by @mikenov: #Russia's Presidential Elections: #Putin's Double...
#Russia's Presidential Elections: #Putin's Double Will Die and "Black Swans" Ahead Dear subscribers...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@thehill: RT by @mikenov: Former President Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national...
Former President Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis https://t.co/Ye0xDG0nTZ pic.twitter.com/ycQy9N577U—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: It is time for the Palestinians to assert their agency...
It is time for the Palestinians to assert their agency and their role over their own future, especially...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@NTDNews: RT by @mikenov: The #FBI's seizure of contents from safe deposit boxes...
The #FBI's seizure of contents from safe deposit boxes during a raid violated the U.S. Constitution,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@FBIPittsburgh: RT by @mikenov: #ICYMI Earlier this month, #FBI Director Wray said...
#ICYMI Earlier this month, #FBI Director Wray said the Bureau is well-postured to defend against foreign...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@FBILasVegas: RT by @mikenov: #ICYMI The #FBI is warning about a blizzard with nothing...
#ICYMI The #FBI is warning about a blizzard with nothing to do with ice and snow. The Russian Star Blizzard...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@IsraeliPM: RT by @mikenov: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a private meeting...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a private meeting today with UK Foreign Secretary, and former...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 3h
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Israel is experiencing a leadership failure of historic...
Israel is experiencing a leadership failure of historic proportions regarding the future of the occupation...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 3h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Германия и Украина готовятся заключить соглашение о...
Германия и Украина готовятся заключить соглашение о безопасности. Об этом говорили в телефонном разговоре...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 3h
@bbcrussian: RT by @mikenov: Комитет Сената США одобрил закон о конфискации российских...
Комитет Сената США одобрил закон о конфискации российских активов В среду Комитет по международным отношениям...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 3h
@WSWS_Updates: RT by @mikenov: Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu has bluntly spelled...
Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu has bluntly spelled out his plan to ethnically cleanse and then seize...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 3h
Joyeria tradicional y contemporánea dialogan en 'Escultura tímida'
Madrid, 25 ene (EFE).- Joyas de 1800, creaciones en 3D, en papel, en tela; en oro, cáscara de huevo o...
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: The Benjamin Netanyahu era is over, sources in Likud...
The Benjamin Netanyahu era is over, sources in Likud say 🖊️ @BreuerEliav#Netanyahu | #israelhttps://t.co/7ufllWP0iV—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4h
@AgenciaAJN: RT by @mikenov: Sissi said to rebuff Israeli request for phone call...
Sissi said to rebuff Israeli request for phone call with Netanyahuhttps://t.co/SJpOLKjpRw#Netanyahu @netanyahu...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4h
SME Puerto Rico encourages brands to compete for 2024 SME Digital Awards - newsismybusiness.com
SME Puerto Rico encourages brands to compete for 2024 SME Digital Awards  newsismybusiness.com
"puerto rico" - Google News 4h
Puerto Rico Treasury simplifies oil tax refunds for farmers - newsismybusiness.com
Puerto Rico Treasury simplifies oil tax refunds for farmers  newsismybusiness.com
"puerto rico" - Google News 4h
Yoggi 3andz: The Freestyle Virtuoso from Boston with a Puerto Rican Heartbeat - 24Hip-Hop
Yoggi 3andz: The Freestyle Virtuoso from Boston with a Puerto Rican Heartbeat  24Hip-Hop
"puerto rico" - Google News 5h
Daily on Energy: The big shift in fortunes for the solar industry - Washington Examiner
Daily on Energy: The big shift in fortunes for the solar industry  Washington Examiner
"puerto rico nuclear energy" - Google News 5h
A Page from History: The Fernós-Isern Bill
Antonio Fernós-Isern was Puerto Rico's Resident Commissioner in the 1950s, when Puerto Rico developed...
Puerto Rico Report 7h
Evolving regulations for wind turbine end-of-life - Power Engineering®️
Evolving regulations for wind turbine end-of-life  Power Engineering®️
"puerto rico nuclear energy" - Google News 9h
@barbaraslavin1: RT by @mikenov: #Netanyahu Has Got to Go , by @SpyTalker https://t.co/VidNEx0k1P
#Netanyahu Has Got to Go , by @SpyTalker https://t.co/VidNEx0k1P— Barbara Slavin (@barbaraslavin1) January...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
@OccupyDemocrats: RT by @mikenov: BREAKING: Donald Trump and the MAGA fascists get...
BREAKING: Donald Trump and the MAGA fascists get nightmare news as superstar political comedian Jon Stewart...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
@WashTimes: RT by @mikenov: The Army doesn't have enough soldiers, the Navy's fleet...
The Army doesn't have enough soldiers, the Navy's fleet is half the size it was during the Cold War,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
@MailOnline: RT by @mikenov: Princess Anne reporting for duty! King's sister holds...
Princess Anne reporting for duty! King's sister holds Investiture at Windsor Castle for recipients including...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
@KyivIndependent: RT by @mikenov: ⚡️ Bank of Cyprus leaves Russia. The Bank of Cyprus,...
⚡️ Bank of Cyprus leaves Russia. The Bank of Cyprus, the biggest Cypriot bank, closed its representative...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 12h
@MotherJones: RT by @mikenov: Florida man facing 91 criminal counts wins New Hampshire...
Florida man facing 91 criminal counts wins New Hampshire primary https://t.co/JgRbW0mh1w— Mother Jones...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 13h
@Cyberdefensecom: RT by @mikenov: DAY 26: I started to believe that General Gerasimov...
DAY 26: I started to believe that General Gerasimov could be dead. If he is - if the Russians say that...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 13h
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Украина потребует международного расследования крушения...
Украина потребует международного расследования крушения российского Ил-62, заявил Владимир Зеленский,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 13h
@POTUS: RT by @mikenov: 2.7 million jobs were created last year — more than during...
2.7 million jobs were created last year — more than during any year under my predecessor. pic.twitter.com/keTiyS3sCD—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 13h
@mvhaydencenter: RT by @mikenov: Federal agencies don't trust each other's security...
Federal agencies don't trust each other's security clearances https://t.co/ZQeMZj8mVX— Hayden Center...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 13h
@sentdefender: RT by @mikenov: The U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Alina L. Romanowski is...
The U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Alina L. Romanowski is reported to have Delivered a Meno today to the Iraqi...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 13h
Daily on Energy: Georgia nuclear plant allowed to continue construction - Washington...
Daily on Energy: Georgia nuclear plant allowed to continue construction  Washington Examiner
"puerto rico nuclear energy" - Google News 14h
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Sissi said to rebuff Israeli request for...
Live update: Sissi said to rebuff Israeli request for phone call with Netanyahu https://t.co/rxYrxj7xtm—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 16h
@thehill: RT by @mikenov: World health leaders warn of pandemic 20 times worse than...
World health leaders warn of pandemic 20 times worse than COVID https://t.co/07V2ZyXEJh pic.twitter.com/JOJj9Wt0Lx—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 16h
@Telegraph: RT by @mikenov: 🔴 EXCLUSIVE: Iran is now a 'legitimate target' for Israeli...
🔴 EXCLUSIVE: Iran is now a 'legitimate target' for Israeli missile strikes, senior minister sayshttps://t.co/gAeoqKq7LK—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 16h
@SvobodaRadio: RT by @mikenov: Профильный комитет Сената США в среду поддержал проект...
Профильный комитет Сената США в среду поддержал проект закона о конфискации замороженных из-за санкций...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 16h
@mikenov: Masks and Faces: Netanyahu exploited Putin's vanity #News #Times #NewsAndTimes...
Masks and Faces: Netanyahu exploited Putin's vanity #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel #World...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 16h
Sindicatos cifran en el 70 % la adhesión a la huelga de transportes en ciudades Italianas
Roma / Nápoles (Italia), 24 ene (EFE).- La huelga nacional de transportes convocada hoy en casi todas...
@mikenov: Masks and Faces: Netanyahu exploited Putin's vanity #News #Times #NewsAndTimes...
Masks and Faces: Netanyahu exploited Putin's vanity #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel #World...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17h
@mikenov: Groupthink example: Trump - Russia as the cover vs Trump - Netanyahu as...
Groupthink example: Trump - Russia as the cover vs Trump - Netanyahu as the real collusion #News #Times...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17h
@mikenov: Trump's Transition Team Colluded With Israel https://t.co/K1DyWcIX7Q
Trump's Transition Team Colluded With Israel https://t.co/K1DyWcIX7Q— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) January...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17h
Mellon, Flamboyán foundations announce 3-year extension of Letras Boricuas - newsismybusiness.com
Mellon, Flamboyán foundations announce 3-year extension of Letras Boricuas  newsismybusiness.com
"puerto rico" - Google News 17h
@mikenov: Groupthink: A Significant Threat to the Homeland Security #News #Times...
Groupthink: A Significant Threat to the Homeland Security#News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17h
Concentración ante embajada argentina en Roma en apoyo a la huelga general contra...
Roma (Italia), 24 ene (EFE).- Casi un centenar de italianos y argentinos se concentraron hoy frente a...
Two Puerto Rican entities selected for Airbnb's Community Fund - The Weekly Journal
Two Puerto Rican entities selected for Airbnb's Community Fund  The Weekly Journal
"puerto rico" - Google News 17h
@mikenov: Trump - Netanyahu meeting of September 26, 2016 - LINKS https://t.co/oZGb5R0g9N - #News
Trump - Netanyahu meeting of September 26, 2016 - LINKS https://t.co/oZGb5R0g9N -#News #Times #NewsAndTimes...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: Trump - Netanyahu meeting of September 26, 2016 - LINKS https://t.co/oZGb5R0g9N - #News
Trump - Netanyahu meeting of September 26, 2016 - LINKS https://t.co/oZGb5R0g9N -#News #Times #NewsAndTimes...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@SpiesVespers: RT by @mikenov: #OTD 24 January 1918: Arthur Scherbius received a...
#OTD 24 January 1918: Arthur Scherbius received a patent for a cipher machine, now known as the ENIGMA....
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: Clinton's emails on Abedin - Weiner laptop: timeline
Clinton's emails on Abedin - Weiner laptop: timeline - Google Search https://t.co/QDI9HhH3pD— Michael...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: Clinton's Emails, Weiner's Laptop and a Falsehood
Clinton's Emails, Weiner's Laptop and a Falsehood - https://t.co/oKKZTIX7uC https://t.co/kwJsij03cY—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@Bundeskanzler: RT by @mikenov: Die jüngsten russischen Angriffe zeigen, wie wichtig...
Die jüngsten russischen Angriffe zeigen, wie wichtig unsere militärische Unterstützung für die Ukraine...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
Albares dice que el Líbano también busca "dar pasos decididos" hacia la paz
Beirut (Líbano), 24 ene (EFE/EPA).- El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de España, José Manuel Albares,...
Kusama, los libros de Miró y 'los claveles' marcarán el 2024 de Serralves en Portugal
Oporto (Portugal), 24 ene (EFE).- La artista japonesa Yayoi Kusama, los libros del artista español Joan...
Un centenar de agricultores se concentran frente a la Eurocámara en Bruselas
Bruselas (Bélgica), 24 ene (EFE).- En torno a un centenar de agricultores, mayoritariamente franceses,...
@mikenov: A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and...
A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazăr (aka "Guccifer")
Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazăr (aka "Guccifer") - Google Search https://t.co/DBMl0qL8lq— Michael...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@thehill: RT by @mikenov: Sen. Susan Collins says she will not endorse former President...
Sen. Susan Collins says she will not endorse former President Trump, even if he becomes the Republican...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: Guccifer
Guccifer - Wikipedia https://t.co/yEISv0btPX(bornNovember,officials%2C%20and%20other%20prominent%20persons.—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia https://t.co/nttO67HrUx— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016
McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Google Search https://t.co/rYvlYoNYeo— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@Sandbagger_01: RT by @mikenov: Shock! Former intelligence officials can have careers...
Shock! Former intelligence officials can have careers when they leave 😉 Goldman, Lazard look to ex-spies...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: trump and giuliani
trump and giuliani - Google Search https://t.co/3temzRrRCv— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) January 24, 2024...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: Trump - Netanyahu meeting of September 26, 2016
Trump - Netanyahu meeting of September 26, 2016 - Google Search https://t.co/oZGb5R0g9N— Michael Novakhov...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: NYPD was conducting a forensic analysis of the Weiner/Abedin laptop
NYPD was conducting a forensic analysis of the Weiner/Abedin laptop - Google Search https://t.co/JpR2bnfZoc—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@Bundeskanzler: RT by @mikenov: Die Ukraine sehnt sich nach Frieden. Aber wenn sie...
Die Ukraine sehnt sich nach Frieden. Aber wenn sie aufhört, sich zu verteidigen, ist das ihr Ende. Unser...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@sentdefender: RT by @mikenov: Members of the Biden Administration alongside Allied...
Members of the Biden Administration alongside Allied Defense Officials are reportedly now discussing...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
@mikenov: NYPD forced Comey to Speak.... massive Hillary corruption...
NYPD forced Comey to Speak.... massive Hillary corruption... | Elite Trader https://t.co/mstcGxIn1C—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 18h
Puerto Rican Rapper Bad Bunny Arrives Editorial Stock Photo - Stock Image - Rethnea.gr
Puerto Rican Rapper Bad Bunny Arrives Editorial Stock Photo - Stock Image  Rethnea.gr
"puerto rico" - Google News 19h
La Diputación de Sevilla aterriza en FITUR para liderar el turismo de interior
La Diputación de Sevilla, a través de Prodetur, se ha presentado hoy en la Feria Internacional del Turismo...
Villas of Distinction Adds Luxury Villas in Puerto Rico, Tanzania and Other Destinations...
Villas of Distinction Adds Luxury Villas in Puerto Rico, Tanzania and Other Destinations  TravelPulse
"puerto rico" - Google News 20h
Dublín da comienzo al 'TradFest', el mayor festival folk de Irlanda
Dublín (Irlanda), 24 ene (EFE).- Después de un 2023 triste para la música irlandesa, con las pérdidas...
Cancilleres del Mercosur se reúnen en Paraguay para encarar sus desafíos, entre ellos...
Asunción, 24 ene (EFE).- Los cancilleres del Mercosur, el mecanismo de integración conformado por Brasil,...
America's unofficial 51st state: Puerto Rico has 300 days of sunshine a year, some...
America's unofficial 51st state: Puerto Rico has 300 days of sunshine a year, some of the world's top...
"puerto rico" - Google News 22h
America's unofficial 51st state: Puerto Rico has 300 days of sunshine a year, some...
America's unofficial 51st state: Puerto Rico has 300 days of sunshine a year, some of the world's top...
"puerto rico" - Google News 23h
Cubans Prepare for 500% Fuel Price Hike Amid Economic Crisis - OilPrice.com
Cubans Prepare for 500% Fuel Price Hike Amid Economic Crisis  OilPrice.com
"puerto rico nuclear energy" - Google News 23h

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