Mike - Enemies of Free Speech?
Hi Mike, I wanted to follow up and give you a little more information on why I think "de-platforming" and domination of public speech by tech giants is a dangerous path. I do believe that private companies have the right to monitor the content on their websites based on their own TOS. The issue is when some speech is treated differently than other speech. If it's harmful and against the law, I'm all for censorship . If it's nuanced then it should be open for debate or discourse. Here is the full article: https://ammo.com/articles/deplatformed-big-tech-companies-subvert-second-amendment-social-media-guns. I'd appreciate it if you could add the link to The News and Times of Puerto Rico - Blog by Michael Novakhov website, it'll make an excellent complementary resource for your blog. Regards, - Sam Jacobs | Lead Writer @ Ammo.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On T...